Hello friends,

When I got the news about Satoru Iwata's death, I was honestly in shock. At first, I thought it was a friend joking around with me, until I finally read Nintendo's press release. I had known about his medical history, missing out on the past few E3's, but overall, I never thought it would result in something as shocking as death. I spent most of my evening rewatching some of his E3 presentations and memorable "direct to you" segments. Iwata contributed a lot of the world of Nintendo, from his work at HAL to launching out Nintendo's most successful console.

From everyone here at Radio Nintendo, and the Nintendo community at large, we will miss you Iwata, you hold a place in our hearts.
Last edited 9:16 AM (UTC) on Jul 13, 2015 by Shugnussy.
Posted by: Shugnussy
Jul 13, 2015
Long time no see!

Even though it might not seem like it at first glance, this update is actually a pretty massive one.

Firstly the things you probably won't notice:
  • The backened (baconcore) has had a plethora of updates, optimization and bug fixes.
  • A large majority of the Javascript has been redone to try and allow the frontend to be updated with much more ease and create a sense of uniformity in the code.

And now for the raison d'etre of this post...


The chat feature is very much experimental at the moment but hopefully it will be a useful place for members to connect with each other or discuss what is currently playing on Radio Nintendo. More features are planned for it in the future but if you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions feel free to email me at dev@radionintendo.com.

If you want to check out this new chat just click here, click on the link in the page header, or use the chat that is now loaded with the pop-out player (the notification sound mutes by default in the pop-out player).

The pop-out player has also recieved an overhaul and scales based on the window size (works great on mobile in my opinion).

P.S. if you haven't closed Radio Nintendo in awhile you should refresh your page, otherwise you might run into all sorts of weird happenings.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at dev@radionintendo.com.
Last edited 2:14 AM (UTC) on Jun 24, 2015 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Jun 13, 2015
Hey everyone!

Most of the time I have spent working on the website this month has been optimizing and fixing bugs in the backend, but there are some changes that will be more noticeable to all of you, so I thought now would be a good time to list them off.

New features:
  • Song title now in page title when playing the stream.
  • Double clicking the song title will dropdown a bar showing more (usually all) of the title.
  • Added BBcode inserter to user panel (BBcode already worked, this just makes it easier to use).
  • Animated GIFs! So long as your gif is below 250KB you can use it as your avatar!

Bug fixes:
  • Tweaked search a bit.
  • Fixed a bug with comment deletion.
  • Fixed some avatar uploading bugs.
  • Optimized parts of the backend.
  • Fixed a few bugs with CSS and JavaScript.
  • Logging in and out should no longer stop music playing (doesn't refresh the page)

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at dev@radionintendo.com.
Last edited 12:43 AM (UTC) on May 19, 2015 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Apr 23, 2015
So far, the launch of Radio Nintendo has been smooth and successful, and we couldn't have done it without you! Currently, we're working very hard to fix the remaining bugs, and we would appreciate any additional feedback that you could offer.

Do you have any ideas for any extra features on the website, or maybe you have some recommendations for polishing what we've already done? Please feel free to leave a comment below!

You can also contact us on Facebook!

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at dev@radionintendo.com.
Last edited 4:09 AM (UTC) on Apr 24, 2015 by Bacon.
Posted by: Des
Apr 06, 2015

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new and improved Radio Nintendo! We have rebuilt the site from the ground up, adding all sorts of features along the way. We hope that this new site will help improve everyone's experience with Radio Nintendo.

Here is a brief rundown of some of the new changes and features:

  • We are no longer using XiinEngine, and are now using 'Baconcore', a CMS being developed by Bacon.
  • We have added a new in-page player that will continue to play music, even as you browse around the site.
  • The site design has been completely redone from scratch, and there may be more themes in the future.
  • Shows listed on the ‘Shows’ page display more useful information. (This will be noticeable when shows are added.)
  • The interface for hosts to manage their shows is currently being redesigned, with ease of use in mind.
  • A whole heap of other smaller changes and features, to help make Radio Nintendo feel more seamless than ever before.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at dev@radionintendo.com.
Last edited 7:01 AM (UTC) on Apr 06, 2015 by Des.
Posted by: Bacon
Mar 30, 2015
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