Hey there!

It has been quite a while since I've put any new updates up hasn't it? Well do not fret, for I have come bearing updates!

Here is the list:

  • Double click to expand track title was changed to single click.
  • Chat plugin has had several optimizations on both the frontend and backend
  • Updated Baconcore version (site was using 0.8.3, is now using 0.138.2)
  • Baconcore recieved optimizations.
  • Baconcore had modules reworked.
  • Plugins split off from primary codebase to allow for easier upgrading.
  • Template module of Baconcore completely redone.
  • Admin control panel had a plethora of features tweaked and added to allow admins to more easily operate the site.
  • Users can now update their email if they change emails (or no longer have access).
  • Post feed on home now mirrors blog page.
  • Shows page has been replaced with a "Under Construction" page as we prepare for future content there
  • Numerous bug fixes.
  • Some JavaScript was rewritten and/or tweaked.
  • Search bar on blog now has advanced options.
  • Fixed a bug with page title not being reset if music is paused.
  • Fixed a bug where popout player doesn't load chat.
  • Fixed a bug with inline player looking broken on mobile.
  • Fixed a bug with users not being able to comment.
  • Fixed a bug with comment deletion.
  • Fixed a bug with chat muting.
  • Added ability for admins to delete messages from chat.
  • A ton more things I have forgot to mention here.

I plan to release a few minor changes and fixes during this week and I will update this post to reflect them.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at dev@radionintendo.com.
Last edited 11:22 AM (UTC) on Oct 17, 2015 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Oct 13, 2015
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